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Torghast, Tower of the Damned

At the heart of the Maw lies Torghast, Tower of the Damned, a cursed otherworldly prison where the wickedest souls in the universe are locked away. Highly replayable and inspired by roguelike games, heroes are invited to explore its ever-changing halls and chambers and do battle with the minions of the Jailer, Torghast’s vile ruler. …Read More
Shadowlands Covenants

New Feature Align yourself with one of four Covenants—mysterious sects, each with their own ambition for the Shadowlands—to restore balance to the hereafter. You’ll gain access to your Covenant’s Sanctum, where you’ll accept unique quests, undertake a sprawling covenant campaign, and call upon your allies to embark on important missions. You‘ll also earn unique abilities based on …Read More
Varok Saurfang

Varok Saurfang woke up. The silence of his quarters was undisturbed but for his breathing. His cheeks were wet again, he noticed. Dreams. Such useless things. He did not have the sleep of the blessed, with visions that spoke of the future and offered truths about the past. Just as well. Such visions would have …Read More

Impassioned voices rose and fell in the confined space. Hamuul, though normally reserved and quiet, was beginning to raise his voice in response to the obstinate and brash young orc before him. Garrosh’s management of the Horde left much to be desired in the eyes of the tauren, and Hamuul still could not believe that …Read More