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Gelbin Mekkatorque: Cut Short

“We’ve done a security sweep of the upper floors in sector 17, sir. The place seems fairly untouched since our, uh, departure. Granted, everything stinks of trogg….” “Mmmm, yes—that delightful mixture of mold, mange, and sour monkey. Puts one off of his lunch, I know.” Cog Captain Herk Winklespring grimaced, going slightly pale at his …Read More
Charge of the Aspects

I have murdered one of my own. The thought hit Nozdormu the Timeless One the instant he saw the desiccated bronze dragon. Zirion had shriveled into a husk half his original size. Lesions covered his body from head to tail. Instead of blood, golden sand cascaded out of the wounds in unending streams upon which …Read More
Velen: Prophet’s Lesson

The Seat of the Naaru’s soaring energies inspired inner peace from the most bloodthirsty of warrior pilgrims, awe from even the most jaded of Azeroth’s inhabitants. The figure floating before the Seat had long taken comfort from this column of Light. Velen looked out from his meditation chamber, seeking insight… in all the connections, great …Read More
Varian Wrynn: Blood of Our Fathers

Something had awakened King Varian Wrynn from a deep sleep. As he stood motionless in the gloom, the faint patter of a distant dripping sound echoed off the walls of Stormwind Keep. A feeling of dread washed over him, for it was a sound he’d heard before. Varian moved cautiously to the door and pressed …Read More