Highmountain Snowcaps



Violet on the horizon. The chill of night settling in, mingling with the wisps of icy fog writhing around the necropolis. “Mograine.” The cold didn’t touch him. Cold could only bother the living. “Highlord Mograine, what happened?”

Through the fog surrounding the floating fortress of Acherus, Darion Mograine could see the Broken Isles stretching out before him. The soothing lights of Suramar. The dead silhouette of the Tomb of Sargeras, its fel glow extinguished. The distant peak of Highmountain, snowcaps gleaming orange from the last rays of the sun. Still. Quiet. As it had been since the Legion’s defeat. “Mograine, are you still with us?” A blade pressed firmly into the back of his neck. A flick of a wrist, and his troubles would end.

Darion Mograine turned his head and met the gaze of the woman holding the sword. “For the moment,” he answered. “How can I be sure?” asked Sally Whitemane, her glowing eyes unblinking beneath her snow-white hair. An orc and a human were beside her. They made no move to intervene. Wise of them. “Because,” Mograine said, “I am about to ask you to help me kill Bolvar Fordragon.”

The Presence in Mograine’s mind didn’t so much as twitch. That surprised him. But the reactions of the other three interested him more. Thoras Trollbane grimaced and looked at the ground. Nazgrim muttered an orcish curse and spat on the floor. Whitemane just smiled and lowered her weapon. “Excellent. I wanted nothing more in life than to kill the Lich King,” she said. “Droll as ever, Whitemane,” said Trollbane. Mograine looked away.

His gaze fell on the islands, and he granted himself one last look at a peaceful land. One last moment of serenity. Then he turned back, shutting it out of his mind, hardening the remnants of his soul against it. Serenity would not serve him now. “We need to speak. We Four Horsemen, alone,” Mograine said. He turned to the orc. “Nazgrim, if you please.”

Shadowlands Character Customization

wow shadowlands character customization

From grizzled champions who wear their scars like badges of honor to wistful druids who are at one their forests, here are some short character backstories to help spark your imagination—along with the accompanying customizations that help bring out their personalities.


Rumors swirl of a pale wight that lurks in the shadows, a monstrous blend of man and beast with unnatural glowing eyes who’ll slip a poison-dipped dagger into its victim’s rib cage with surgical precision—before dissipating silently into the darkness.


Favored by the naaru, this disciple of the Light has been the salvation of many—during Azeroth’s darkest hours, he bathes the wounded with a miraculous healing touch and sears the flesh of the wicked. The dutiful Priest has already endured more strife than brothers and sisters twice his age.

Brave The Beyond

shadowlands wow

With a single act of destruction, Sylvanas Windrunner has ripped open the way to the afterlife. Azeroth’s staunchest defenders have been dragged into all-consuming darkness. An ancient force of death threatens to break its bonds and unravel reality.
Hidden realms of wonder and horror await any who would pass to the other side. The Shadowlands is home to an entire realm of the departed; it is a world between worlds whose delicate balance preserves life and death itself.
As one of Azeroth’s greatest champions, you have been granted the power to cross over in body and soul. Now you must investigate a conspiracy to unmake the cosmos, and help Warcraft legends journey back… or fulfill their ultimate destiny.

Torghast, Tower of the Damned

At the heart of the Maw lies Torghast, Tower of the Damned, a cursed otherworldly prison where the wickedest souls in the universe are locked away. Highly replayable and inspired by roguelike games, heroes are invited to explore its ever-changing halls and chambers and do battle with the minions of the Jailer, Torghast’s vile ruler. Those who brave its trials can claim legendary treasures and help free the heroic spirits wrongfully trapped within.

The Torghast experience is in a true alpha state. It is not yet feature complete and many design decisions are still being made. Due to our desire to get pointed feedback on class-specific Anima Powers, we are only testing a few classes at this time. When it becomes available to play on the alpha, the following classes will be available for testing: Demon Hunter, Mage, Priest, and Warlock. We will keep you updated on when other classes are introduced.

Torghast is an otherworldly place, with an ever-shifting interior. There are many areas to discover, and at this time players will be able to explore Skoldus Halls and Fracture Chambers.

Skoldus Hall

Warden Skoldus oversees this wing of Torghast. He is a cruel warden who uses rats, dogs, and other beasts to torment his quarry.

Fracture Chambers

Prisoners from Maldraxxus are held here, their bones broken over and over again. With the player’s help, they escape their cells and assault their captors.


With every floor, enemies will become stronger but you’ll also become more powerful by using temporary skills called Anima Powers. Levels will also become more complex the higher you climb—the first few floors will have a simple layout, but higher up you’ll be dealing with traps, puzzles, and locked doors that will require keys held by ruthless enemies.


These dynamic wings change their layout each time you step inside, and they can also be influenced by the Jailer’s command—changing the types of enemies you encounter and the Anima Powers available for you to choose between.

Every time you enter the tower you will need to explore it; don’t rely on memories of past ventures lest you get lulled into trap or ambushed by a horde of enemies!