Torghast, Tower of the Damned

At the heart of the Maw lies Torghast, Tower of the Damned, a cursed otherworldly prison where the wickedest souls in the universe are locked away. Highly replayable and inspired by roguelike games, heroes are invited to explore its ever-changing halls and chambers and do battle with the minions of the Jailer, Torghast’s vile ruler. Those who brave its trials can claim legendary treasures and help free the heroic spirits wrongfully trapped within.

The Torghast experience is in a true alpha state. It is not yet feature complete and many design decisions are still being made. Due to our desire to get pointed feedback on class-specific Anima Powers, we are only testing a few classes at this time. When it becomes available to play on the alpha, the following classes will be available for testing: Demon Hunter, Mage, Priest, and Warlock. We will keep you updated on when other classes are introduced.

Torghast is an otherworldly place, with an ever-shifting interior. There are many areas to discover, and at this time players will be able to explore Skoldus Halls and Fracture Chambers.

Skoldus Hall

Warden Skoldus oversees this wing of Torghast. He is a cruel warden who uses rats, dogs, and other beasts to torment his quarry.

Fracture Chambers

Prisoners from Maldraxxus are held here, their bones broken over and over again. With the player’s help, they escape their cells and assault their captors.


With every floor, enemies will become stronger but you’ll also become more powerful by using temporary skills called Anima Powers. Levels will also become more complex the higher you climb—the first few floors will have a simple layout, but higher up you’ll be dealing with traps, puzzles, and locked doors that will require keys held by ruthless enemies.


These dynamic wings change their layout each time you step inside, and they can also be influenced by the Jailer’s command—changing the types of enemies you encounter and the Anima Powers available for you to choose between.

Every time you enter the tower you will need to explore it; don’t rely on memories of past ventures lest you get lulled into trap or ambushed by a horde of enemies!

Welcome To Revendreth

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You arrive with urgent news for Sire Denathrius, the Master of Revendreth and ruler of the Venthyr. The realm is in a midst of a rebellion caused by the anima drought that’s swept over the Shadowlands. The only thing more meaningful than your survival is your discretion — you’ve walked into a den of secret keepers who are all ears as much as they are all teeth. If you are to deliver this message and save these lands you must play court and trust your instincts, for the Venthyr don’t always mean what they say and your new fickle friends can quickly turn into formidable foes.

All souls who are sent to Revendreth receive a Sinstone. Any misdeeds you’ve committed in life are inscribed upon this tombstone along with your true name. Keep its location secret and do what you must to purge any vile thing etched upon it.


Revendreth is made up of seven distinct districts, each presided over by a Harvester — powerful Venthyr who have upheld the ways of this place since creation to encourage spirits to repent for their past sins. Those who are successfully reformed are presented with a choice: Return to Oribos to be sent on to another afterlife, or remain in Revendreth and become one of the Venthyr. As for those who resist redemption? They’re banished to the Maw.

Some of the Venthyr’s practices are questionable but be warned: Dissenters disappear in these dark lands.

Home to the most decadent Venthyr loyal to Sire Denathrius, the Castle Ward is dangerous to any who are unwilling to side with the Master. The nobles who reside in the inner citadel are the oldest Venthyr and have earned their place in the shadow of The Master and are kept in order by the Countess, Harvester of Desire.

When greeting the Master, show your respect by addressing him by his honorifics: Sire Denathrius, Master of Revendreth, King of the Venthyr, First Blooded, Commander of the Stoneborn, and The Fangs of the Shadowlands.

Shadowlands Covenants

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New Feature

Align yourself with one of four Covenants—mysterious sects, each with their own ambition for the Shadowlands—to restore balance to the hereafter.

You’ll gain access to your Covenant’s Sanctum, where you’ll accept unique quests, undertake a sprawling covenant campaign, and call upon your allies to embark on important missions. You‘ll also earn unique abilities based on your Covenant and class, acquire a unique mount and visual appearance, and forge bonds with powerful souls, drawing on their essence to further customize your skills.


World of Warcraft WordPress Theme


World of Warcraft Wordpress Theme


The veil between life and death is no more.

With a single act of destruction, Sylvanas Windrunner has ripped open the way to the afterlife. Azeroth’s staunchest defenders have been dragged into all-consuming darkness. An ancient force of death threatens to break its bonds and unravel reality.

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